Seriously dah lupa. Dah lama lah. Tapi tak apa. Meh try. Bismillah.
Okay pertama sekali. Pertama sekali, betulkan niat buat kerana Allah and kita cakap dekat diri kita, regardless apa kita apa-apa yang kita dah usaha, dah praktis bagai nak rak dah ke, setiap hari baca medical issues ke, dah hafal dah jawapan-jawapan untuk soalan dia akan tanya, apa-apa effort jelah, apa yang kita akan lalui masa interview itu nanti, interviewer dia, baik hati ke tak, soalan macam mana dia tanya, idea yang terfikir and jawapan apa yang terkeluar from mulut kita time pada waktu itu semuanya ketentuan Allah. Allah dah tetapkan. Maka, bila dah ada keyakinan dan kesedaran kita betapa lemahnya kita sebagai hamba kepada Allah yang Maha Mengetahui, apa-apa yang yang bakal kita dapat, kita akan sentiase berserah setelah berusaha yang terbaik, tenang dan redha atas ketentuanNya. Sebab? Allah lagi tahu. insyaAllah ^_^.
Ha yang ini masuk part usaha-usaha yang boleh dilakukan.
1) Untuk siapa yang apply pergi UK, buatlah Personal Statement yang terbaik. Kalau tak mantap, mantap kan lagi. Fotostat and bagi kawan and cikgu.Tanya kawan-kawan yang hebat English, pendapat cikgu-cikgu. Personal Statement sangat penting untuk dapat interviews. UKCAT juga. Siapa nak masuk Queen Mary London ini, praktis eh jawap soalan-soalan dia.
2) Speak English. Walaupun rasa macam sengal habis cara cakap, tebalkan muka. Tapi faham je.Peliklah pulak pergi mana-mana semangat waja nak speak english. Nampak poyo teramatlah kan. If boleh, buatlah. If tak boleh, speak English with your close friends. Janji to each other mase dekat kelas kalau boleh, speak English je. Tak pun dengan roommate.
3) Study Medical and Ethical Issues. Mak aih. Study? Haha takpayahlah gila-gila sangat. Baca newspaper everyday, although homework banyak teramat. Cari masa. Banyak paper STAR itu. Janganlah spend masa berjam-jam lama sangat. Ingat pesan Nabi, prinsip ini kalau pegang, tak rasa nak berat nak buat,
" Sebaik baik amalan ialah amalan yang sedikit walaupun berterusan"
Bacalah health or ethical related issues. Satu or dua article sehari. Boleh mantapkan vocab juga kan?Focus one article, cari words tak faham, then tulis dalam vocab book. Ingat biar sikit, tapi konsisten.
4) Praktis dengan kawan-kawan. Practice makes perfect! Jangan macam main-main, kalau boleh do it seriously pretend it as the real one. Soalan-soalan Queen Mary. Urgh tak ingat. But alhamdulillah. Korek facebook inbox. Jumpa ini! Here are some questionss that might be asked:
Y medicine? (just ans sincerely even though ur ans is a cliche)
Oh when u go in to meet the interviewers, SMILE and give a firm handshake if u can. Try remembering their names too.
Y QM? (Dont just say coz my brother is there. I suggest u study QM's university prospective)
If u're a patient and I'm a doctor, what kinda qualities u hope I have?
Do u know wheres QM?
Latest medical related issue?
What qualities you possess?
Any experience u hv during ur attachment that makes u think "this is it. Nothing but doctor for me"?
What problems do you think might occur during clinical sessions since there are many races and cultures of ppl in London (Said language may be a barrier and gave a similiar example which occurred back home)
Wad u do to destress?
If you have a friend who wants to do medicine but is unsure wad wud u say to discourage him. (Dont over-do this one till it seems as if u dread medicine ursef, after the cons give the pros)
I think u know that we hv pbl here. They might ask u about it so make sure u understand what is pbl n why u like it. Understand about the integrated teaching system also and inject it in ur answers to show u really know whats at QM. STUDY THE PROSPECTUS OK!!! oh and i think last time they asked our seniors bout the health system in malaysia. The interview is about 20-25 minutes. U'll find that its short and there are more u wanted to say.
Oh when u go in to meet the interviewers, SMILE and give a firm handshake if u can. Try remembering their names too.
I had a friend who only talked about shopping all the time during the interview, n she got a conditional offer. SO as long as u hv a nice personality which can capture their heart, u stand a chance in getting an offer. Last but not least, be humble and show traits of a doctor
Any more questions dont hesitate to ask ok. Gud luck!!
u can check out
Credit to my friend, Linda she's 4th year now.
Before masuk interview, bacalah selawat, ayat al Quran, doa-doa. Seriously, kita sangat memerlukan Allah. Allah yang tetapkan semuaNya. Tapi macam, takmau masa susah jekan ingat Allah, susah senang mesti ingat Allah. If senang, syukur. If susah, sabar. Buatlah solat dhuha kalau mampu. Solat dhuha kan murah kan rezeki kita.
Sorylah kalau ada kurang. Saya ini bukanlah terer pun bab interview-interview ini and saya punya banyak kelemahan. Buat ini since ada reader requested and saya hanya sekadar berkongsi pengalaman. Cuba tanya orang lain juga. Setiap orang cara dia lain. Apa-apa pesanan yang saya share dalam post ini ditujukan terutamanya pada diri sendiri jugaa yang sering terlupa. Semoga post ini membantu. Apa-apa tanyelah. Kalau saya mampu, saya jawap. If tak, tanya orang lain.hehe.
Bye-bye. Wassalam
Eh ni presentation hari itu
Eh ni presentation hari itu
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