Sunday, November 20, 2011

For the love of Allah


Alhamdulillah. Walaupun badan mula menuntut hak dia untuk berehat and tidur, aku dan kawan kawan telah berjaya untuk stay sepanjang hari dan menumpukan perhatian kepada lecture semasa Twins of Faith semalam. Hari ini mata duk terkebil kebil asyik minta nak tidur, walhal study tak seoptimum mana pun.In short, apa aku boleh katakan pasal semalam, lecture-lecture semalam telah banyak memberikan kami banyak  pengetahuan baru and peringatan terhadap benda yang sememangnya tahu.  Yang berbeza adalah bahasa saja.

Biasanya, aku banyak dengar dalam Bahasa Melayu. So kali ini in English, soo macam baguslah , since kadang-kadang aku menerima pelbagai soalan from kawan kawan local yang aku tak dapat nak terangkan dengan baik dalam English. Bila aku stuck dalam menerangkan tak kisahlah dari segi bahasa atau kekurangan pengetahuan aku sendiri, mesti aku jawap macam ni " Oh okay, I think I might need to look up more about this, and know properly how to explain in English, later I'll come back to you yeah?".Segan jugalah. Tapi eloklah daripada kita menerangkan sesuatu yang luar daripada pengetahuan dan kemampuan kita. Karang salah, dah boleh bagi ajaran sesat. Oh no, sory dah start merapu. @_@

Anyway, banyak topic-topic yang telah dibincangkan semalam. As expectedlah kan, Nouman Ali Khan is a splendid speaker! Personally, sukalah dengar talk dia bagi sebab dia suka mulakan dengan benda yang basic dan ringan-ringan. Benda yang berat sangat boleh menyebabkan orang daripada nak buat baik, terus tak jadi sebab tak rasa tak mampu.

Tajuk dia semalam adalah " The Best of People". He referred to some verses of The Quran, I'm sorry cause I missed it. To become the best of people, we should get the fundamentals sort out first. Look after these fundamentals:
1) Worshipping Allah
2) Parents
3) Relatives
4) Orphans and the needy.

  • He highlighted, rather than trying so hard to change the world, you should start within yourself, family first. Then, you can start to think about the community.
  • Be a balanced individual, a better slave to Allah. He mentioned rather than spending TOO much time at mosque, make sure that we have a good relationship with our own family, relatives. People who are having hard times at home normally appear to be judgmental, sarcastic, easy to get angry and having all those negative feelings in this world. Call your parents, siblings and have a proper conversation with them :) [*Oh no, now i miss home :( ]
  • Whenever we speak, speak good things or if you don't have anything good thing to say, just keep quiet. [Najah, Take note please!]. 
  • Also, if you disagree, do it respectfully. Before you tell it to others, think first whether would it bring benefits to you or others, Allah will be pleased? If not, then don't say it. This will be saving urself from sins a lot.
  • Learn how to let go things especially girls. Do not keep it in your heart and talk nicely to each other. [Dengar itu, Najah]
  • Before thinking and chasing for further knowledge, practise on what we have learned.[*Betulkan, amalkan apa yang kita belajar. Belajar belajar tapi x amal. Apa gunanya ]

He gave a second talk after that which title was "Race to Forgive". Nanti, I'll update about that talk. I need to cook proper food for this week. If not, I'll be eating only bread, biscuits and cereal. Balik hospital, kelaparan. So I need to start cooking now although it's 11.03pm kalau tak, tak cukup nutrient minggu ini. Okay, harap harap, post ini mampu memberikan peringatan kepada diri sendri and orang lain. Semoge Allah membuka jalan untuk kita mendekati diriNya dengan istiqamah, Aminn ya  Rabbal alamin. :)

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