Sunday, May 13, 2012

Prof Tariq Ramadan's talk


Hari Rabu itu. Ambil tren dari Southend balik London sebab nak practise clinical skills untuk finals *Oh noooo, cuak dah fikir final*; venepuncture,cannulation, urinary catherisation dekat clinical lab yang dah di book pukul 5pm sampai pukul 7.00pm. Tariq Ramadan punya talk pukul 6.30pm. So,nak dijadikan cerita gedebak gedebuk, sampailah di lecture hall itu pukul 7.00pm. Lambat setengah jam. It's better late than never kan.

Rasa macam cuak juga nak buat post pasal Tariq Ramadan ini sebab takut macam kalau ada tersalah tafsir apa dia cakap.Prof Tariq Ramadan ini sah sah penggunaan bahasa and taraf pemikiran dia high level, lepas itu dia cakap laju jugak. So, adalah certain things yang dia cakap macam berlaku 'indigestion' dalam diri sebab apekan daya, ilmu di dada tang politik, economic segala macam seriously cetek. Tapi takpelah. Post ini sekadar short summary apa yang macam boleh tangkaplah.

Stop bebel Najah.Cuit! Before that, tahu tak Prof Tariq Ramadan ini siapa? Dia cucu Hasan Al Banna. Usha sini: Tariq Ramadan

                   Sebab datang lambat duduk belakang. See orang mat saleh pun ramai datang. :)

Okay, here are some points that I learned on that day. The title was Islam and The West. 

Prof Tariq Ramadan was proposing political,economic and cultural management to respond to contemporary challenges without betraying Muslims identity. Here are some the issues:

Basically there are two problems.
a) New salafi trends in Egypt and Tunisia which Saudi Arabia and Qatar organization are supporting this religious party organization by funding them 80 millions dollars.
b) Tension between Syiah and Sunni. In their history, they have managed to find common ground and understanding. The situation in Iraq is speficic and the Western interference has something to do with this new fracture.
So. we need to find ways to reconcile Muslims but these are much more a political issue than a religious one.

It is soo important Arabic countries to have sub-sub relationship but because of them being too nationalistic, they are divided, they are too focus only about their country. No perpaduan.

Turkish Mosque. Syiah Mosque. Pakistan Mosque. Muslim shared common principles but there is cultural segregation.

Issue about revolution in Arabic countries such as in Egypt were also mentioned. Revolution does not mean only expelling the leader but the question is, what exactly they want? Also outsiders like us, only by reading  newspaper, not knowing what is really happening inside the countries, we are so naive and emotional to support revolutions.STOP IT.

Islamic principles (such as rule of law, equality, accountability, majority decision process, etc.) are universal, and the Muslims should find new models according to their new environment and the new era by tackling these issues.

Self Reflection
Talk seperti ini sangat bagus kerana berjaya membuka minda sendiri untuk memikirkan mengenai Islam secara global. Before this, biasa dengar talk mengenai pembinaan individu Islam. Terasa macam katak di bawah tempurung, tak tahu perkembangan dunia Islam especially in Middle East. Tak apa tak apa. Life is a learning process. Mari banyakkan membaca lepas ini. insyaAllah. Also, we were amazed with Prof Tariq Ramadan. He is indeed intelligent person by the way he gave the talk and how he answered all the questions. And dia sangat sporting and pandai buat kelakar! Kita orang dapat tangkap gambar dengan dia.Yeay. Alhamdulillah.

# Also, insyaAllah, Prof Tariq Ramadan ada cakap yang dia nak datang Malaysia July ini 3 weeks. 14th July ini. Dia cakap time tyme kitaorang tgh pose ambil gambar dengan dia, memang tak ada siapa yang reply lah sebab semua tengah sengih pandang camera. Lol.

Wallahualam.Sorylah kalau content macam tak best. Ini yang termampu. Tapi at least dapatlah rough ideakan talk ini pasal apakan? :)

1 comment:

shasha_iffa said...

NICE! :) semalam sy bpeluang ke UIA gombak n dgr talk Prof Tariq Ramadhan Alhamdulillah. every single words yg kluar dr mulut dia nak tulis..sbb smua mcm quotes yg best :)